students within my school

students within my school

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Patna's Divali in Trinidad, West Indies

Why Divali is the most important religious activity in Trinidad and Tobago as an educational topic ?

Sita ram to one and all
Diwali, also called Deepavali, known as the "Festival of Lights," is a major Hindu festival that symbolises the victory of good over evil. In North India, Diwali marks the time when the Hindu God Rama achieved victory over the demon Ravana. Celebrations of this event involve lighting lamps and fireworks to symbolize hope and restoration.

Diwali is celebrated for five consecutive days at the end of Hindu month of Ashwayuja. It usually occurs in October/November, and is one of the most popular and eagerly awaited festivals in India. Hindus and Sikhs alike regard it as a celebration of life and use the occasion to strengthen family and social relationships.

In Sanskrit, the word Deepavali means an array of lights that stands for victory of brightness over darkness. However, as the knowledge of Sanskrit diminished over the centuries, the term was modified to Diwali, especially in northern India. To this day, Diwali is the common name used by North Indians for the festival while South Indians call it Deepavali. However, the meanings of both terms are identical: "row of lights."

While Diwali is popularly known as the "festival of lights," its most significant esoteric meaning is "the awareness of the inner light."

Central to Hindu philosophy is the assertion that there is something beyond the physical body and mind which is pure, infinite, and eternal, called the Atman. Just as we celebrate the birth of our physical being, Diwali is the celebration of this Inner Light the knowing of which outshines all darkness (removes all obstacles and dispels all ignorance), awakening the individual to one's true nature, not as the body, but as the unchanging, infinite, immanent and transcendent reality. With the realization of the Atman, comes universal compassion, love, and the awareness of the oneness of all things (higher knowledge). This brings Ananda (Inner Joy or Peace).

Diwali celebrates this through festive fireworks, lights, flowers, sharing sweets, and worship. While the story behind Deepavali varies from region to region, the essence is the same—to rejoice in the Inner Light (Atman) or the underlying reality of all things (Brahman).

Yours respectfully
Sir Hemant Narinedath

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Teachers should bring in the children attention in religious education

Good Night to everyone,
Hey all I am posting a new blog concerning that teachers should be able to bring in religious education in their educational lesson. Therefore, students can feel a sense of belonging in a religious ethnicity. All religions such as hindus, chrisitians and muslims should be able to participate this in all schools of Trinidad and Tobago. I have wrote another blog concerning an educational topic on Divali that I would personally find all religions be able to take part in this. By teaching religious education in school, i believe that all students would be able to benefit from this as it shows the importance of it in Trinidad and Tobago since they would know what to expect or do around religious times of the year.
Yours Respecfully
Sir Hemant Narinedath
Class Teacher

Friday, June 18, 2010

Teacher Moderation Guided Reading/Guided Writing Pt2 of 2

Teacher Moderation Guided Reading/Guided Writing Pt1 of 2

How To Maintain Classroom Discipline - Good And Bad Methods Training Edu...

How can teachers develop learning better opportunities with their children?

This blog is related to what teachers should do in their classrooms, it includes what methods teachers should implement to help the weak students in their classroom with their reading and writing skills progress. Children who cannot read or write properly at a certain age would not be able to understand anything that goes on in the classroom and this tends to keep them back at classrooms level because they are not in the level with the other students. Here are some ways that teachers can help to assist these problems by doing the following:
1. Teaching can help by teaching children to write in multiple forms (stories, information, poems and letters)
2. Teachers should teach strategies for spelling new and difficult words.
3. Teachers should engage children in activities that require reading and writing skills.
4. Always encourage children to share what they have learned about their writing and reading.
5. Always remind the students to visit the library regularly to help build on their writing and reading abilities.
6. Always bring a parent teacher conference evidence of what your child can do in writing and reading so that the parent can help assist them in whatever way that is necessary.

I believe that if teachers follow the above ways there lesson can be delivered properly and explained better. In this blog which is directed to all teachers, if you have any discipline technique that would like to share with me please do so writing some comments on my blog so I could try these skills in my classroom with my students.
Yours respectfully,
Hemant Narinedath
Class Teacher